STU is a three-year youth education for young people with cognitive and physical disabilities and other young people with special needs. STU is for the age group 16 to 24.

You might be in the target group for STU if you are not able to complete other youth educational programs, even with the support scheme special educational assistance (SPS) during the entire educational program.

At STU you will achieve personal, social and vocational skills to achieve as independent a life as possible. Possibly, by ending the STU, you will be able to start a job or another education.

STU – Youth education for young people with special needs

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The content of the education

The STU education contains both teaching and practical activities. You can also do a work placement in companies or at institutions. We will make an educational plan with the general goals of your education. The educational plan will also contain specific objectives to accommodate your interests, wishes and needs.

­­There are no exams during the STU education. The education does not qualify for further education or jobs. When the STU education is completed, you will receive a letter of competence to document the termination of the education.

By completion of STU, you will be transferred to the Job Centre.

Finances during the education

The education is for free. You will not receive SU (the state educational grant) during STU. You might either receive early retirement benefits or educational assistance benefits during the education. You must apply for educational assistance at the Job Centre. If you are under the age of 18, you will not receive any payment.

Educational assistance benefits for STU is part of the employment legislation. If you are not a Danish citizen but wish to become one, you must contact the Immigration Office to receive information about what receiving benefits from the municipality as part of STU might mean for your case.

Admission twice a year

In Copenhagen, admission to STU happens twice a year. Once in January and once in August.

Recommendation for admission to STU

Young people with special needs have the right to be recommended to STU. Your youth educational counsellor (UU-counsellor) in UU København will make the recommendation in cooperation with you and optionally your parents.

In due time

Your UU counsellor will talk with you and optionally your parents, and your UU counsellor will also gather documentation about you, for instance from your doctor, the hospital, the municipality and your former schools. The documentation will all be included in the recommendation which needs to be submitted to the referral committee in the Municipality of Copenhagen.

At UU København, your UU counsellor needs a minimum of five weeks for preparing the recommendation to STU. Hence, it is important that you comply with the deadlines of UU København, if you want your application to a STU program processed for a particular time of admission. If there is less than five weeks to the next deadline, we might not be able to process your wish to be assessed for STU. In that case, you might have to wait some months before your UU counsellor can process your case.

The referral committee

UU København does not decide whether you can be enrolled at STU. The referral committee in the Municipality of Copenhagen makes the decision based on the recommendation your UU counsellor has made.

The referral committee can decide not to process your recommendation, for example if you have acute treatment needs which mean you cannot attend and participate actively in the STU education. It is important that you start STU when you are ready to participate and can complete as much as possible of the programme.

Educational plan

If you are approved for STU, you and your UU counsellor must make an individual educational plan for you. You and your UU counsellor will talk about the different STU schools and programmes in the Municipality of Copenhagen, and maybe you will visit some of the schools.

In the individual educational plan, you are able to mention which school you wish to be admitted to.

Your UU counsellor will make the individual educational plan with you. When the plan is completed, your UU counsellor will pass it on to the referral committee who will then decide where you get enrolled for your STU education. You are not entitled to have your specific wish for a school fulfilled.

The referral committee only refers students to the STU schools you can find on this page.

The STU schools have been selected by the Municipality of Copenhagen due to their high levels of professional quality, and due to their duty to make transition plans for all STU students. The Municipality of Copenhagen conducts mandatory supervision with the schools and the quality of their services.

For complaints

If you wish to direct a complaint of the STU school the Municipality of Copenhagen offers you, contact the Complaints Committee for Special Education.

You can read more on the website for the Complaints Committee (LINK Klagenævnet for Specialundervisning — Ankestyrelsen ( (Page in Danish)

STU Schools

Target group 1

Young people with general learning disabilities, young people with psychiatric disorders (for example schizophrenia) and young people with developmental disorders (such as ADHD and autism).

CSV, Center for Specialundervisning for Voksne, telephone: 82 56 11 00, website:

Erhvervsskolen af 2011, telephone: 20 71 33 11, website:

Fontanaskolen, telephone: 42 39 24 33, website:

Glad Fagskole, telephone: 38 12 01 00, website:

Incitaskolen, telephone: 41 89 53 41, website:

HKI, Hans Knudsen Instituttet, telephone: 39 16 21 30, website:

Tagaskolen, telephone: 20 68 13 46, website:

Target group 2

Young people with pervasive general learning disabilities.

Uddannelsescenter UIU, telephone: 33 66 89 00, website: